Monday, October 26, 2009


So I have no pictures of this unfortunate event--thank goodness, I'd hate to have stored for all of prosperity a perfect example of cluelessness for future generations.

Tank must have been bitten by a snake. Although the vet could not definitively say that was the cause. His WHOLE HEAD was swollen then his neck! He looked like a buck in rut! Paul said, "Hey, he's filling out quite nicely, isn't he?" That was on Friday. Saturday he looked like we blew him up with the air compressor. Sunday was worse. Monday the swelling was down significantly but he had a hard knot in his neck. Infection! Swelling continued to go down--but as I would find out later not to the degree of "gone." Thursday it ruptured, time to head to the vet (well, past time, I know...). So Tank had surgery on Thursday to clear out the infection and the vet "installed" a drainage tube. It has to come out today--that should be fun! But he's back to his normal, perky, hyperactive self and yes--the swelling is gone.

I didn't remember his head being so small! HA! Poor baby...

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