Monday, June 1, 2009

Tucker Beam

Not that I think ANYONE reads this thing but sometimes it helps to have an outlet. I'm sure anyone who knows me has at least heard me mention the name Tucker Beam. A beautiful gift from the Lord. He now walks with Christ in a new cancer-free body! Praise Jesus! for the entire story. This awesome child battled more demons in his 9 years of life than ANY of us will ever fight...yet, he also served the Lord in a way that we too may never have the chance to. What are you doing for your Lord today? How are you serving him? Too many times I have heard, even out of the mouths of "friends", how can I get more out of church. Dear friends, I tell you, EVEN JESUS CAME **TO** SERVE, not to be served. He charges us with being disciples, going out into the lands and winning lost souls to the Kingdom.

How do you plan to serve Him today? Don't waste one more second --Lord, give me the strength to start RIGHT NOW, TODAY to give YOU and only YOU the praise, glory and honor today. In His precious and holy name, Amen.

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